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Stories from Singapore

The celebration of Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year (CNY), starts with a ‘reunion dinner,’ where every family member returns home to share the final meal of the year together. However, OM in Singapore has some friends who are unable to do so — they work in the red-light district, and many are estranged from their families. This year the OM team invited these friends for reunion meals with them.
Worship on the river boat is an integral part of life.  Photo by Garrett N
Initially hesitating to join the mission field due to a good career and comfort, Flora found unexpected blessings as she stepped out in faith to serve God.
"If God calls me, what better thing could I be doing than what God wants me to do? Nothing."

served with om in greece

Our Mission

We're committed to seeing a community of Jesus followers within reach of every person in the world.