go and LIVE


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Demonstrate a life centred on god's love

We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. Whether in a mountainous village, a quiet suburb or a bustling cityscape, there are whole communities that have never experienced Jesus. Your presence among them as a friend, neighbour or colleague can open doors to life-changing conversations.

Will you commit to being a living example of Christ among the least reached?

long-term Trips are usually...

more than 6 months long

long-term trips are great for...

living out your passion for jesus

Take your first steps

Interested but don't know where to start? Want to explore a specific area? We're here to help.

Get in touch

serve around the world

work and mission can come together

Are you considering moving to a place with few or no Jesus followers to live the Gospel while sharing your occupational talents? Connect with a ministry like Scatter Global to start exploring and receive support.

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serve with om in singapore

join the global harvest right here at home

Did you know that you can be a mission worker without leaving Singapore? If you're eager to use your profession for God's mission in the local context, check out these opportunities to serve with us.

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"God used a lot of things I learnt, such as creative thinking, project management and my pastoral experience... When you surrender to God, He can use your talents and your past."

served in south asia for 10 years

Stories from people like you:



Ling's story

She gave $50 to a single mum to learn to sew. This would multiply into livelihoods for 80 more women


Calvin's story

He gave up a cushy IT job to fight for the future of marginalised children

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go and grow


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go local

local ministry

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go equipped


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