Sports Ministry Assistant


Partnership Type

Full Time*

Commitment Length

2-3 years


Central Asia

Partnership Overview

Come assist in our established sports ministry! Build on our existing program based on methods used around the world.  If you love sports and would like to use that platform to introduce people to Jesus, then this is an opportunity for you!

Required Skills

We need someone who would be willing to join in organizing regular sporting activities with the aim of building relationships through social sport.  This person would join a team who will be identifying true seekers and testing a strategy to bring these seekers from the playing field to following Jesus Christ.  Once this is accomplished this person would have the opportunity to disciple and train new believers to replicate this ministry in another part of the city.

We are looking for people with the following qualities: sports enthusiast, organizational skills, leadership, enthusiasm, self-motivation and the ability to influence and motivate others.​

Gifting in Evangelism and discipleship would be helpful (but is not strictly necessary). Any formal sports coaching/training qualifications or sports ministry training would be helpful (but not essential).

We offer ongoing training and development in sports ministry, evangelism and discipleship methods as well as support from an already-established sports-ministry team.

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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388

* Each OM position has specific support raising requirements depending on the location and the type of role. Please see the role description above or contact us to learn more.