Abaco Islands, The Bahamas :: Meet Logos Hope's new temporary doctor.
Theodore Sin (USA) is the new doctor on board Logos Hope.
What made him pause his full-time job as an emergency physician to join the ship was a post on Facebook that said Logos Hope needed a doctor to serve for a few months. Theodore, who is originally from the state of Utah and now lives in California, says, “I did not have any idea what Operation Mobilisation or Logos Hope was, but I was willing to see if I could help out because I have always wanted to be involved in mission work. Mission is actually the reason I studied medicine and became a doctor; being aware of Jesus as the ultimate healer.”
Growing up in a Christian home, Theodore understood God’s love from childhood and made a personal decision to accept Christ into his life when he was eight years old at a Bible camp. Since then, the physician has developed his relationship with God, volunteered for short-term medical mission trips and has been seeing God as his great provider. Theodore says, “I am a sinner living in a broken world and I’m very aware that God gave me much more than I deserve. The ultimate thing that He has provided, after life itself, is salvation. Everything beyond that – everything I have – is just a bonus from Him.”
Working in a San Diego emergency department, Dr Theodore is confronted with stressful and emotional situations as well as with the reality of death. He says this makes him more conscious of how he wants to use his life, and of the approach he takes with his work. Something he desires his patients to understand is that there is love motivating the treatment they receive. Theodore prays for his patients; sometimes with them. He says, “Many people, even if they don’t believe, are okay if you pray. This doesn’t lead to them automatically believing in Christ but I want to share God’s love in a small way.”
Seeing suffering often, the doctor does not blame God. He says, “I believe that God works in a way we don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean that He works in a way that doesn’t make sense. He has the ultimate knowledge and He knows what He is doing."
Dr Theodore is welcoming the relative peace of working in Logos Hope’s small clinic – a change, after the pressures of dealing with serious illnesses including COVID-19 in the USA. He says living as part of the ship’s community is building close bonds, helping him focus on personal devotion time and increasing his passion for mission service.