Sudan Crisis Response


Escalating conflict between rivalling military forces in Sudan has already claimed 413 lives and injured 3,551** since heavy fighting broke out in Sudan on April 15, 2023. Citizens sheltering in place in areas where the fighting is intense are experiencing a critical situation due to the fighting and life-threatening lack of access to food and drinking water. OM has more than 100 national colleagues in Sudan, who are affected by this crisis.

“The biggest problem is the lack of food and water. Looting continues both in markets and in homes. Hospitals are closed because they don’t have electricity, medicine, and medical staff,” shared Ibrahim*, a Sudanese national who leads OM’s work there.

OM is working with our national colleagues to support them in this crisis and prepare an emergency response for those in affected areas. Please pray for the safety of all citizens in harm’s way, for God’s provision of basic needs such as drinking water and food, and for an immediate stop to the fighting in Sudan.

“I am very concerned about the safety of our team in Sudan,” said Tom*, the leader of OM’s work in the Middle East and North Africa. “Let us urgently lift up our Sudanese sisters and brothers in earnest prayer before the Lord. And let us do whatever we can to support them.”

Give now to support our brothers and sisters in Sudan and help alleviate suffering in Jesus’ name.

*Name changed

**Statistics reported by the World Health Organization on 21 April 2023.

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We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.
Psalm 78:4