Simon & Sue Yeomans


Simon - Associate Director Support Services (CA) Sue - Missions Coach (CA)

About Simon & Sue Yeomans:

Simon is the Associate Director of OM Canada, overseeing support services (finance, human resources and operations). His responsibilities include the administrative and financial oversight of the field and supporting all team members in their ministries. 

Sue is our Mission Coach for Europe, Latin America, Oceania and North America. Her role is to assist those wishing to join OM and serve overseas in these areas. This involves much preparation, email and telephone contact, as well as follow-up on the field and afterwards.

We have both been with OM, in different capacities, for over 20 years. During that time we have seen God test us, teach us and use us in many different and exciting ways. We praise God for his faithfulness as we have seen Him provide for all our needs. Thanks for being part of our team!

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