Anna and Cornel Christen


Anna and Cornel Christen - Leadership Team (Ireland)

About Anna & Cornel Christen:

Cornel is the son of a pastor from Switzerland and studied Physics in university before joining OM in 2009 as part of the Immersion team. Anna grew up as a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea and came to Ireland in 2010 as part of the Immersion team.

It was in Ireland that they met, and their romance started, leading up to their wedding in Canada in 2013. They led the Big Red Bus ministry for a few years before Anna moved to full time church work and Cornel became part of the leadership team looking after the program department.

They now have 2 girls (Holly is 3 and Lilly is 8 months). Anna is a stay-at-home mom but loves to be involved in the community and participates in the local choir and several moms' groups. In her spare time Anna likes to meet friends, write letters, and explore new places. In his spare time Cornel likes to Computer game and writes computer programs. Both love kids ministry and they love doing ministry together and managing teams together.

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