Ministry Worker


Partnership Type

Full Time

Commitment Length




Partnership Overview

As we're searching the Lord how to best reached the least reached here in Ireland, we're looking for flexible, passionate team members who are able to serve and pioneer with humility and sensitivity.

Required Skills

OM Ireland is currently in a review process of our ministries and work here in Ireland. We are seeking God and how He wants us to work on seeing Vibrant Communities of Jesus Followers among the Least Reached in Ireland. As all our current ministries are held with open hands, and we don't know yet what direction God will lead us in, we are not able to offer specific ministry roles.

We do however look to build our team and are in need of people who fit the following profile:

  • Radical love for Jesus and His kingdom
  • Calling to Ireland and it's people: ministering in Ireland is difficult and requires patience, integrity and sensitivity.
  • Attitude of humility: seeing the need to learn and serve as part of a bigger team.
  • Leadership abilities: strategic planning, taking initiative and being able to take other people along.
  • Experienced in ministry: for example work among children and youth, discipleship and leadership development

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* The jobs listed on this website do not have a set salary. This means that the person who applies will need to raise their own support, which is money that they will use to live on. The amount of support money they need to raise will depend on things like where they are from, if they have a family, and what country they will be working in. There might be some jobs that pay salary, but these are rare and would need to be negotiated with the sending offices and the teams you'd like to serve with. If you have any questions about this, please contact your local home office. Always keep in mind that our ministry depends on generous giving from our partners around the globe and God's ongoing provision. Joining OM is always seen as a step of faith and trust in a God who will provide for our needs through his chosen people.