Swee Gim Cover

Cheong Wye Choon and his wife Swee Gim have been with OM for 32 years and they can now testify, as OM retirees, to the faithfulness and grace of God through it all.

Joining OM in 1991, Cheong Wye Choon and his wife Swee Gim have since retired after 32 years of being in the ministry. They were stretched greatly but experienced so much of God in the simplicity of life. 

“The locals in our first field were the friendliest people despite their suffering. The long civil war had caused devastation, poverty, hunger, and persecution, resulting in the displacement of millions of people.  Nevertheless, God’s presence was felt amidst many heart-breaking stories.  At times, they had literally nothing to depend on except God.  Their faith was alive, evident also from their boldness to witness to anyone. 

This couple from Perak were also greatly inspired by many OM leaders. 

“Their godly, humble servanthood were role models for us.  Many were highly motivating, courageous, and full of faith and vision.  They continually helped us to focus on the least reached peoples.  They taught us to value and esteem people, those we were trying to reach and those we worked with together. We were taught to adopt a posture of humility and to recognise our own brokenness that we may be more compassionate towards others.

“Our founder, the late George Verwer and the late Peter Maiden (who succeeded George as International Director of OM) had touched us deeply through their life and ministry.  Their invaluable advice of intentionally taking brief moments or extended time to be with God in spite of busy ministry had led us to develop a spiritual rhythm in our life. 

“George was one leader who sincerely cared and prayed for us. We will not forget that he took time to call and responded to every single one of our emails despite tons of them in his own inbox. 

“Swee Gim had the privilege to work with Peter Maiden on the International Executive Committee for eight years.   She had never heard a harsh word from Peter, nor an angry response, even when he was unjustly attacked.  Indeed, he was a man of grace and humility.

Wye Choon and Swee Gim feel that their time with OM has been enriching, rewarding, enjoyable and fulfilling.

“God indeed has been our guide and provider through it all.  We consider it a privilege and honour to have served with OM. What kept us going all these years? Certainly, it was the grace of God and His faithfulness to us. 

Over the years, while their ministry focus has always been the least-reached people, the Cheongs have served in various roles in administration, church-planting, people care, leadership and spiritual formation. However, they have not forgotten the value of people and have tried not to place ministry above people. 

“In the last few years, we have intentionally focused solely on mentoring people, particularly spiritual mentoring or spiritual formation. We have enjoyed journeying with people and discovering together where and how God is working in their lives. We are so encouraged when greater self-awareness and God-attentiveness lead to deep transformation in their inner lives.

“Looking back, there is no doubt OM has influenced us, right from the beginning of our mission, through the years, until now. 

“We have learned to value people as OM has valued us.”

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