Audrey Wong cover

Audrey Wong has been intentionally allocating time for outreach in different fields yearly after she first connected with OM as a port volunteer on Doulos in 2009.

Sarawakian Audrey Wong began her outreach journey in 2017, many years after she first connected with OM in 2009 when she was a port volunteer for Doulos. However, the outreach ball has not stopped rolling for this banker since then. She intentionally sets aside time from her busy schedule to go on outreach trips in different places every year, except for the years affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Between 2017-2019, she joined short term conference and trips to the Highlands, Japan, and Northern Africa. 

She is also engaged in mobilization within her networks and equips herself through various courses such as Perspectives and KAIROS. 

“These courses enhance my understanding and perspective on cross cultural work as well as helps me align more closely with God’s heart.

Apart from these efforts, she has been consistently praying once a week with friends via Zoom for unreached people groups.

“God has used OM to impact me a lot.”

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