Cindy Leong Cover

For many years, Cindy Leong had a desire to be involved in outreach work. However, time and time again, she put it off due to various reasons, until now.

In 2000, Cindy Leong had a strong desire to be part of the OM Ship Ministry. Finances were lacking however, and she put off the thought. Then life made a 180-degree turn, and she became a single expectant mother in 2004. 

“During my pregnancy, out of desperation, I cried out to God and promised to serve him if I had a healthy, beautiful baby.” 

However, after her baby was born, Cindy, who is from Negeri Sembilan, forgot about her promise as she was extremely busy working full time and single-handedly taking care of her daughter.  

In 2015, she joined Out of the Comfort Zone in Southeast Asia as she had the desire for an international missions experience. However, she did nothing further as she was again too caught up in raising her young child and moving house. 

Then in 2017, 13 years since the birth of her child, out of desperation, she said another prayer to God: “I will serve You full time. Please just give me time to raise my daughter till she is independent and let me earn enough money to get through.” 

After that she never thought about this matter again for many years. Her job stabilised with enough income for savings. Still, she forgot her promise.  

Recently, however, as Cindy fasted and prayed over other matters, a clear vision of her promise in 2004 and 2017 flashed back to her. Now her daughter is 20 years old, highly independent, has finished her A levels, and is working part-time. Financially, Cindy was comfortable. She remembered the promises she made and felt God asking her, “Isn’t this the right time?” 

That was when she started asking OM about various outreach possibilities. 

“God prepares each one separately in our workplace. My full-time work as an office administrator can be put to good use to serve in God’s work. The international exposure has opened my heart and mind to desire to do something outside the comfort of Malaysia.”

“I want to have opportunity to share about the God that I know, His goodness and my journey with a great and wonderful God.”

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