logos ii ship

Serving onboard Logos II in 2005 taught Ken* to value and work with people from different cultural backgrounds. He thought he had much to offer, but God had other plans.

Many join OM’s ships with the intention to help others grow. But many, if not all, find that God is also using the time to help them to grow.

Ken*, who is from Kuala Lumpur, and now a corporate trainer and life coach, realised this when he joined Logos II in 2005.

“I recall losing my temper in the ship’s galley when I was assigned to take out the garbage. I lifted a bag that was over-filled, and it split open, spilling the contents all over the floor! 

“God used these experiences to ‘chisel’ away my rough edges and birth new gifts and talents that I wasn’t aware of. This process was not easy and very humbling.

“Yet, there were many opportunities to grow and serve in different roles. My years on board and later experiences with TeenStreet Malaysia in 2010 helped me develop a heart for equipping others and investing in the next generation. All glory to God!”

*not his real name

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