Ee Laine cover

During a session in the Out of the Comfort Zone 2014 conference, Wan Ee Laine realised that she could only become a vessel to spread God’s love when she has caught God’s heartbeat for people.

One of Wan Ee Laine’s most significant memory when she joined Out of the Comfort Zone 2014 was during the worship session, before they headed out to Southeast Asia for outreach work.

“When we sang ‘Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdom’s cause…’ I realised God’s big heart for His people. He loves them so much that it breaks His heart when they go through suffering, when they are lost, when they do not know Him who is the giver of hope. 

“During that session, I felt God was expanding my heart to love the people I am reaching out to, a nation that is not my own. But in God’s eyes, we are all His beloved children. The majority of my group members felt the same, that God was preparing us to love the locals even before meeting them.

When Ee Laine and her team were in a country in Southeast Asia, they witnessed the fruit of God’s work in their hearts. Every night, when they gathered to share and pray for the people they met that day, they were filled with tears, a burden and love for them, just as in the lyrics of the song.

“We came from different backgrounds and nationalities, yet, we were united in heart to love people from another nation, people who are new to us.

Ee Laine, who is now an accounts manager with a cybersecurity firm in Selangor, said the experience taught her that she was not able to love people on her own.

“Whenever I struggle to love a brother or sister-in-Christ, or I do not see them in a good light, I am reminded to pray, to surrender my heart, to see His people with His lens and not my own that is flawed. And many times, it changes my heart to love.”

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