Good News for the Sahel

In Africa, OM is working to see 350 communities (160+ to date) holistically transformed by 2025 through projects and ministry that impact spiritual, economic, social and education spheres. While ‘official’ OMers working in the area’s 13 fields involve 460 people, actual team members (mostly Africans) double that and are the foundation of every project in Africa; without discipled workers who make disciples, our work in Africa is unsustainable.

OM has established a co-workers’ fund to help support and give dignity to these key volunteers who often make the projects successful. Some of these volunteer workers are planning to go into the Sahel Region, a transition zone between the Sahara to the north and the Savanna to the south, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. Plagued with desertification leading to food crises for millions of people, political instability and few prospects for a better future, it is also a friction zone between Islam, Christianity and animist religions.

OM’s Sahel Initiative seeks to train and resource more African missionaries to engage with the least reached people groups in order to create vibrant communities of Jesus followers that will become self-sufficient and multiply across the Sahel. Nearly half of Africa’s population is under 15 years of age. Jesus said: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matt.19:14, NIV). Vibrant communities of Jesus followers amongst the least reached includes children. We also need to train children’s workers to create effective children’s ministry, so that these communities will see children from God’s perspective.

Your support will encourage and enable frontline workers to reveal the gospel to those who have never heard it.

Technology is a key factor in engaging the least reached. Access to Bibles in any format is vital for the impact and growth of new believers. Many people are illiterate or from an oral tradition. Some benefit from Bibles printed in their own language, while an AudiBible (a handheld, solar powered player with the Bible and other Christian material) in that language speaks God’s Word to the illiterate or groups. We need significant quantities of both printed
and audio Bibles so that every person encountered can have a copy.

Co-workers fund
$600 supports an African missionary for one year (@$50/month).

$40 purchases 1 audio Bible;

$5 purchases an SD card (for smart phones) pre-loaded with the Scriptures.

$400 buys 10 audio Bibles for a village.

$25 provides 250 Gospel Booklets.

$50 could provide materials for a week of training during a field visit.

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