Race Across Europe 2025 (8 weeks)

23 Mar 2025 -
21 mai 2025
EUR 2164.00

Type de Voyage


Taille du groupe



24 jan



Aperçu du voyage

This Christian Interrailing Mission Adventure combines the thrill of travel with the opportunity to spread love, compassion, and the message of Jesus Christ across diverse cultures.

Race Across Europe offers a unique opportunity to combine the excitement of interrailing with the spiritual growth of a missionary journey. Over the course of 8 weeks, participants will travel through various European countries, engaging in a range of activities aimed at serving local communities, sharing the gospel, and fostering meaningful connections with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Race Across Europe serves as a platform for personal growth, deepening one's relationship with God, and discovering one's purpose in sharing the gospel and serving others. It's about embracing adventure, stepping out of comfort zones, and living out the gospel values of love, kindness, generosity, and humility in a global context. We want to see young people grow in their relationship with God and step out to have an impact in Europe.


Prior to departure, participants will receive training and orientation sessions to equip them for the mission ahead, including cultural sensitivity training, evangelism workshops, and logistical briefings.

This outreach consists of 4 elements of training and equipping throughout the journey:

Pre-travel training
On the journey Training
Check Point Training at various stages of the journey with an OM leader.
Debriefing at the end of the journey

Please note that an OM staff member will travel with you for the first two weeks of the journey to provide supervision, guidance and facilitate a smooth transition of the group leadership to the participants.

Married couples are welcome to apply if they are ok to sleep in separate rooms sometimes. ***Le tarif ci-dessous est basé sur un taux de change moyen entre l'euro et la devise du pays concerné. Nous réservons le droit de modifier ce tarif en cas de changement important du taux.

  • ** The price quoted below is based on an average exchange rate between the Euro and the currency of the published outreach cost. We reserve the right to change the price in the event of a large modification in the exchange rate.

À quoi s'attendre

Destinations: - Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece & Serbia.

Key Activities:

  1. Serve with OM teams: Engage in meaningful service such as refugee ministry, youth/kids programmes, after school clubs, house visits, physical work, Bible Study groups and Church attendance as requested by OM teams in destination countries. An opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love through action.
  2. Evangelism: Share your faith through respectful conversations, prayer walks, or organised outreach events. Be sensitive to cultural differences and prioritise love and understanding.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the cultures by exploring historical sites, sampling local cuisine and interacting with people. Learn about the history of Christianity in each region and its impact on local communities.
  4. Fellowship & Reflection: Spend time bonding with others through Bible studies, worship and prayer meetings. Reflect on your experiences, challenges and spiritual growth throughout the journey.

Profil du participant

Age Range: 18-55

Participants must be passionate about sharing their faith, excited about meeting new people and keen to travel! Race Across Europe is aimed at those aged 18-mid 20's.

Foire aux questions

Un logement sera-t-il fourni ?

Participants will stay in a combination of hostels and OM bases throughout the journey, fostering a sense of community and hospitality. Married couples may not have a double bed, or privacy.

De la nourriture sera-t-elle fournie ?

You will be expected to cook together as a group, you will also be fed by those hosting you and you will need to source your own food too. Please let us know in advance any special dietary needs (vegetarian, food allergies, dairy-free, gluten free, etc.).

Dois-je organiser moi-même mon voyage ?

The closest train station to the OM UK base is Chirk station. The closest airports are Liverpool, Manchester or Birmingham international. The OM UK base at Quinta is easily accessible from all 3 airports by train. We are happy to offer pick up from Chirk station.

Travel between destinations will be primarily by train using Interrail passes allowing scenic views and access to major cities in Europe. OM vehicles or public transport will be used while doing ministry in destination countries.

Quel devrait être mon état de santé ?

You should be in good health and able to walk reasonable distances without difficulty.

Ai-je besoin d'un visa ?

Please check www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa for coming to the UK, and then check Schengen requirements.


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Votre bureau local

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org


01691 773388