Language Placement Abroad (UK participants only)
dès que possible
Voir ci-dessous
Le coût
Type de Voyage
Taille du groupe
Postuler avant le / Durée
Aperçu du voyage
Are you a student studying languages at university?
Are you expected to do a placement abroad to improve your language while being fully immersed in the culture?
Would you like to do this whilst having an opportunity to share your faith?
This could be a brilliant opportunity for you!
Join OM for a 3-month placement in one or more countries. In the Schengen Area you can only serve for 3 months, then either return to the UK or another country outside the Schengen Area. You could then return to a Schengen country for 3 more months. The Language Placement Abroad exists both to reach the least-reached and to improve your language skills while being fully immersed in the culture.
If your language is not here please contact us and we will see what we can do!
- Cost includes food, accommodation, ministry expenses and all in-country travel. Excludes flights and insurance. Possible extras: vaccinations, Covid tests.
À quoi s'attendre
Spanish- Spain - £800* per month
Be involved in activities run by the church. This will include working with young people, men’s ministry, mums’ ministry, Bible studies, outreaches and more.
Portuguese- Namibia - £300* per month
You will help teach English to locals as well as being involved with an ongoing building project, a children’s centre, agricultural projects and weekly children’s clubs.
Russian- Central Asia
(Details to follow)
Mandarin- Taiwan - £930* per month
Local church and sports ministry to reach out to locals.
Swahili- Tanzania - £100* per month
You will serve alongside the local church and reach out with them in secondary schools and into the Muslim community. You may possibly be involved in sports ministry too.
Profil du participant
Age Range: 18-99
You will need:
- to be at least 18 years old
- to have a good level of spoken English
- an interest in evangelism and an openness to developing your evangelistic gifts
- a willingness to learn how to share your faith including with people of other beliefs and culture
- a desire to grow personally and in your relationship with God
- the flexibility to work with others in a team
Foire aux questions
Un logement sera-t-il fourni ?
Dependent on location
De la nourriture sera-t-elle fournie ?
Most teams provide 3 meals a day and you may be asked to help as part of a rota. We need to know in advance of any special dietary needs (vegetarian, dairy-free, food allergies, gluten free, etc.)
Dois-je organiser moi-même mon voyage ?
Dependent on location
Quel devrait être mon état de santé ?
Participants should be in reasonably good health. If you have special health needs, please contact us to see what arrangements might be possible for you. You are responsible for obtaining emergency health and medical insurance.
Ai-je besoin d'un visa ?
Dependent on location
Poser une question
Votre bureau local
Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB
Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).
General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:
01691 773388