##FULL## Summit '24 - Hiking the Himalayan trails (9m)

25 Aoû 2024 -
28 mai 2025
EUR 7350.00

Type de Voyage


Taille du groupe



24 Juil


Asie du Sud

Aperçu du voyage

When you join Summit for five or nine months, a significant part of your time is spend out of the city. Treks are varying in length from one to three weeks. You may go to the flat land, but most trips are into middle range mountains of 2500 metre, where most people live. While travelling in pairs through the villages, you will hand out books, share your life journey and sleep at local homes! You can pray for people and encourage and support our local workers. Time spend on trek will help you see and hear the stories of the people in the villages and feel connected to them in your learning journey. In this fairly remote country in the Himalayas, many people have never heard of God's love. Millions of people are untouched by the transformative impact of the good news. This is simply because no one has been there, yet!

There is an information packet available after accepting your application. This packet will contain all the necessary details about what to bring and not to bring. ***Le tarif ci-dessous est basé sur un taux de change moyen entre l'euro et la devise du pays concerné. Nous réservons le droit de modifier ce tarif en cas de changement important du taux.

  • ** The price quoted below is based on an average exchange rate between the Euro and the currency of the published outreach cost. We reserve the right to change the price in the event of a large modification in the exchange rate.

À quoi s'attendre

Your first month will have a set schedule with practical teachings, language study, Summit outreaches, team activities, and a short trek. This will prepare you for trekking. We have weekly studies and on most weekends we attend a gathering. Nine month members will be send on trek seven times.

Profil du participant

Age Range: 18-40

You are ready and most welcome to join when you:
have a basic understanding of English language;
will be flexible with any changes or circumstances;
are passionate about sharing His truth with others.

Foire aux questions

Un logement sera-t-il fourni ?

Your new home will be in the nation's capital. Together with other team members you share a flat, and live close to where the rest of the team lives. You are responsible for practical things like shopping, cooking and cleaning. On trek you stay at local homes. Be prepared to sleep on whatever you bring or what is provided for you.

De la nourriture sera-t-elle fournie ?

Local Asian food will be served, especially during trekking (lots of rice!). Be ready to enjoy the food served for the team. Please ask for advise if you have dietary restrictions.

Dois-je organiser moi-même mon voyage ?

You are responsible to arrange and pay your own flight. We will pick you up at the airport. All other travel within the country will be taken care of. Unfortunately it's not possible to stay longer, as your visa will expire.

Quel devrait être mon état de santé ?

You will need to be in reasonable good health, both physically and emotionally. Be prepared for bumpy bus rides, long hikes in mountainous areas and interaction with local people. Please inform us if you have any health issues.

Ai-je besoin d'un visa ?

Please fill in your interest and the local office will get in touch with you relating to visa.

Majority of nationalities can get visa upon arrival.


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Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org


01691 773388