Community Development Volunteer

dès que possible
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Le coût

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Aperçu du voyage

OM Thailand started the ministry in southern Thailand in 2020. The people we are reaching out are least reached and mostly underprivileged and needy. Through the partnership with a local Thai school and a Thai church, we have established connection with locals. People who come to serve will work along side with our worker to reach out kids and youth through teaching, sports and outdoor activities. Seek the calling of God and create ministry opportunities with our gifts

Please inform us at least 3 months in advance to check the availability. Online interview is required before the confirmation of the trip.  ***Le tarif ci-dessous est basé sur un taux de change moyen entre l'euro et la devise du pays concerné. Nous réservons le droit de modifier ce tarif en cas de changement important du taux.

  • ** The price quoted below is based on an average exchange rate between the Euro and the currency of the published outreach cost. We reserve the right to change the price in the event of a large modification in the exchange rate.

À quoi s'attendre

Teaching English in school regularly
Running with a group of youth on the weekend
Youth Fellowship after Sunday service
Activities with a christian student club in university

Profil du participant

Age Range: 18-65

Recommended by his/her pastor
Passionate about making friends and spending time with youths in spite of language barrier
Exploring the opportunity of being an overseas missionary

Foire aux questions

Un logement sera-t-il fourni ?

Simple accommodation will be provided. The cost above covers the accommodation for the whole period of time.

De la nourriture sera-t-elle fournie ?

Simple local food yet there are vary. The cost above covers 3 meals a day. Please inform us if you have any food allergies.

Dois-je organiser moi-même mon voyage ?

Please arrange the international flight on your own and inform the organiser. The cost above does not cover any local (domestic) flight tickets.

Quel devrait être mon état de santé ?

Participants must be in good health and physically able to travel in rural area. Please inform us of any medical issues.

Ai-je besoin d'un visa ?

Most nationalities get 30 days visa free. Please contact the local embassy for confirmation and details.


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Votre bureau local

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388