Equipe au Portugal

Acts 1.8 trip in Portugal

The “Acts 1:8” trips were born out of a desire to accompany and encourage people, particularly the younger generation, to take their first step into missions and to help them discover how they, too, can be part of Jesus’ call to reach the nations.

So, at TeenStreet 2022, we invited anyone interested to join our family on a trip to Moldova, and in February 2023 our family, along with 3 of the Teenstreet volunteers, spent a week serving alongside the OM team in Moldova. It was such a privilege to be part of that team and to catch a glimpse of the reality of the situation in that country.

We were so excited when two of those participants agreed to lead a team in 2024, allowing us to offer two “Acts 1:8” options to those present at TeenStreet 2023! It was amazing to see the way God filled both teams with people motivated to go, and that there weren’t enough spaces for all the people who wanted to come! 

We have just returned from the week serving alongside members of the OM team in the north of Portugal and once again I am humbled by how God uses us when we make ourselves available for Him, and how He unites a team of different ages and from different backgrounds, as we work together for His glory.

Last year in Moldova I was struck by the poverty of the people, and yet their openness to receive prayer and hear about Jesus. In Portugal, I was blown away by the spiritual poverty, the hardness of people’s hearts to even hear about something “new”, and the challenges for these small churches. It was so touching to see how our visit was such an encouragement to the Christians in this area. We were grateful for the all the opportunities God gave us, for example to go into schools (for moral and religious classes but also just for French lessons) so that even by our attitude, we might show His light in these places. We were able to bless one church through practical work, we had two prayer walks where we were able to pray for the towns, the churches and the needs of this country. We also had some opportunities to talk and pray with a handful of people in the streets of towns we visited. We are now trusting God that He will continue to work and help the small seeds that have been planted to grow.  

So why not consider joining us next year as we hope to send even more teams? Or give to sponsor young people who would love to have this opportunity to take their first steps towards a life of serving God in missions? 

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

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