Project report writer

See below


Journey Type


Apply By / Duration

See Below


Central Asia

Journey Overview

Writing an end of year report for a health related project

Female preferred. Non salaried position ***Le tarif ci-dessous est basé sur un taux de change moyen entre l'euro et la devise du pays concerné. Nous réservons le droit de modifier ce tarif en cas de changement important du taux.

  • ** The price quoted below is based on an average exchange rate between the Euro and the currency of the published outreach cost. We reserve the right to change the price in the event of a large modification in the exchange rate.

What To Expect

Meeting with national project managers to collect information which will need to be written into an annual report for financial donors

Participant Profile

Age Range: 22-99

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

Participants pays all travels costs