CRECER mientras SIRVES con el ministerio de los barcos de OM.

TÚ fuiste creado para los propósitos de Dios. Dios te forma para servirle a Él y a otras personas.

Mientras TÚ le das tu vida, todos tus talentos, dones y pasiones son usados como SUS herramientas.

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Un barco de OM es como un microcosmos del mundo, un lugar donde personas de todas las naciones, con diversas habilidades y experiencias de vida se unen para servir a Dios. Juntos nos apoyamos mientras viajamos a algunas de las comunidades más remotas del mundo compartiendo conocimiento, ayuda y esperanza.

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La gente necesita escuchar acerca del amor de Jesús y ver Su amor impactando sus vidas. Descubrir cómo puedes formar parte del plan de Dios para transformar vidas y comunidades con las buenas nuevas de Jesús.

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Ahora que el Doulos Hope se ha puesto en marcha, hacer un donativo para equipar a los seguidores de Jesús para que compartan el amor de Dios en todo el mundo.


As a Jesus follower, YOU have a vital part to play in OM's Ship Ministry.

You might not feel ready. No one ever does. That's why we simply invite you to 'Come as you are' and let God do the rest. Don't worry about your background, your experience, your skills or how new you are to the Christian faith. If God is inviting you to serve with the Ship Ministry, He will equip you. 

On an OM ship, you'll experience amazing opportunities to live out love by sharing the life-changing message of the Kingdom of God with people in every nation. 

As you step out of your comfort zone, you'll see God using the unique gifts and talents He's given you as you travel to some of the world's most remote communities sharing knowledge, help and hope. 

You’ll learn new skills, experience different cultures, make lifelong friends, gain resilience and do all this while you get to see the world.

Take your next step now and begin your journey of a lifetime! 

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"We work together for one goal to share knowledge, help and hope."

Driven by the deep conviction that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the gospel, we believe that we were made for God’s purposes.

Our talents, gifts and passions are His tools in us. If God wired us to design, then we design. If He wired us to build, then we build.

As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve and have a unique part to play with the gifts and talents that God has given us to spread the gospel. No people are too far, no place too hard and no dream too big to make Christ known across the globe.

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