Dobrogea Christmas Outreach - Cobadin.

17 Dic 2024 -
26 Dic 2024
EUR 480.00

Tipo de viaje


Tamaño del grupo


fecha de aplicacion

25 Oct



Descripción General del Viaje

Together with the evangelical local church, we will work on impact evangelism through, kids' ministry, women's meetings, Christmas carols, and the distribution of Christmas gifts and food packets. Cobadin is in Dobrogea - in the state of Constanta - a town of around 9,000 inhabitants, where the Orthodox religion and Islam predominate.

Winter in Romania tends to be harsh, so make sure you pack warm clothes. Si vives en España y tienes alguna duda o quieres presentar una solicitud, escríbenos a

Para hacer la solicitud debes ser mayor de edad (tener 18 años +). Todas las oportunidades son de misionero, es decir, que no son puestos remunerados.

El precio no incluye los vuelos, el seguro médico, el visado (si procede) ni posibles vacunas.  El precio puede variar según el tipo de cambio actual.

What To Expect

: Carol's presentation door to door, distribution of food packets and Christmas box gifts, house visits, and church service.

Perfil del Participante

Age Range: 18-99

We're looking for people with a passion for sharing the gospel, a servant's heart, and a willingness to serve God by serving people.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Will there be accommodation provided?

You will sleep in simple dormitories.

Will there be food provided?

You will be offered Romania's food. Special dietary needs must be communicated in advance.

Do I need to make my own travel arrangements?

The local staff will pick you up from the airport and travel together with you to the outreach area.

What should my health condition be like?

Participants should be in average good health, and be responsible for obtaining appropriate emergency health, medical, and travel insurance.

Do I need a visa?

Each participant is responsible for researching and applying for a visa.

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