Pray with us for the people of Ukraine

In the midst of this evolving conflict, there is an opportunity for believers everywhere to respond to the critical needs of Ukrainians fleeing their homes and homeland, and to demonstrate God’s care to the hurting. Pray that many will experience that “the Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9; NIV).

Pray for Ukraine

Pray that war would cease and for justice and righteousness to be seen. Pray for leaders around the world to act with wisdom and compassion. Pray that those in need would find refuge and strength in the Lord. Pray for God's peace and protection on those in danger, experiencing fear, or grieving. 

Oh Lord, we cry out to You to draw near to the men, women and children in Ukraine, as well as those who have fled. We pray that You will work in this situation, and that many would experience the love of Jesus. Father, protect the vulnerable. We weep, Lord, and we know Your heart is broken for our very broken world. 

Refugees arriving in Romania


Send help for ukrainians NOW


After months of tension at Ukraine’s border, Russia’s military attack has led to hundreds of thousands in search of safety. The conflict in Ukraine has evolved over several years and through multiple stages, and this humanitarian crisis is now critical. Many people were not prepared for war and have found themselves and their families shell-shocked – not just by rockets and gunfire, but by the pain of separation from loved ones and the uncertainty of abandoning their homes and livelihoods.

OM is on the ground to respond immediately, responding to the unfolding situation in Ukraine and surrounding countries. As more and more people flee, our team members in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania are mobilising local churches, coordinating relief efforts and administering aid to those in need. We urgently invite you to be part of the effort to assist vulnerable people in Ukraine and across bordering countries with essentials such as food packages, supplies for those who have left everything behind, temporary shelter and basic trauma debriefing.


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*Gifts received through the giving links on this site are received in British Pounds via the OM International office, and no tax or gift-aid receipt can be issued.

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