
Many have not heard, many more have not seen

Our calling

If our call is to "go and make disciples of all nations", then our mission continues until all nations have been reached.

As a first priority, we focus on those peoples and communities who have never heard of the love of Christ, and then on those who may have heard but don’t have access to a vibrant community of Jesus followers where they can see Christ’s love each day.

We live and breathe to seek out the people and communities who don't know God's love. We are passionate about making an introduction, and providing active, ongoing discipleship.

Spotlight regions

OM’s five spotlight regions were selected as places around the world with a high percentage of least-reached people, and where, thanks to your support, OM teams are uniquely placed to make a difference.

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Around the world

Every nation should have the privilege of seeing and feeling Jesus' love

Our deepest passion is God's glory, that the nations would know and experience His love for themselves. So we commit our lives fully and go, needing no other call.

Young people enjoying time together at Teenstreet Zimbabwe


See God's love spreading in wonderful places

God is doing a new thing in Africa! Join Him in seeing lives and communities transformed through encouraging the church and going to difficult places where He is not yet worshipped.

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Crowd of children


Impact poor and marginalised least-reached communities

This huge region stretches from countries that border Europe all the way east to Japan and south to Indonesia. There is tremendous spiritual need, but the region is also home to China’s estimated 60-80 million Christians, and South Korea which is the world's largest non-Western, missionary-sending nation.

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local team playing football


Send the message of hope wherever there is an opportunity

Among its many islands and, more importantly, many people, we want to see God's love shared with the Caribbean. Help provide much needed relief and spread a message of hope.

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Outreach participants in Moldova


Live out love to your neighbours and you could live out love to the world

Once the sender of missionaries to the world, Europe is now a continent where the Church is shrinking. But, there are still open doors to share the Gospel with Europeans and a growing immigrant population throughout the continent.

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Children sit and listen at a skate park

Latin America

Make a difference in the lives of those who don't know Jesus

From Mexico in the North to Chile and Argentina in the South, we want to share God's love with the most vulnerable people in Latin America—the children & teenagers, the poor, the old, and the sick.

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People dancing in the street

Middle East

Be a voice crying in the desert, "prepare the way of the Lord!"

In the Middle East and Northern Africa, our strategy is to mobilize local believers, make use of mass media, invest early into new believers, and equip them to become leaders and take responsibility upon themselves to live out love toward others.

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Group giving presentation

North America

Be dramatically involved in sending and going to the ends of the earth

We serve churches and individuals in the USA and Canada and help to provide vital resources for Jesus-followers and projects around the world.

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New Logos Hope crewmembers pass through a flag tunnel during a welcome ceremony


Send the message of hope wherever it's needed

Our ships, Logos Hope and Doulos Hope, visit port cities throughout the world, supplying vital literature resources, providing practical help and aid, and encouraging cross-cultural understanding. Crew receive life-changing training, while sharing a message of hope in God with those they meet.

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Rugby match in Papua New Guinea


Inspire Jesus followers to live out love with their whole life

In Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, we encourage local churches to catch the vision of the world mission, train believers to serve around the world, and inspire donors to support the work of Jesus-followers everywhere. 

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