
“He is not here; 

he has risen, 

just as he said.”


Matthew 28:6 (NIVUK)

As Easter approaches we are reminded that God can and often does do incredible and unexpected things. 

In Bulgaria, Marin's family had come to expect the daily abuse and conflict caused by his alcoholism. What they didn't expect was his life to be completely transformed when he encountered Jesus. 

Raul thought he had no reason to live and did not expect to change his plans for the weekend, until a small blue book pushed through his letterbox changed his mind. 

Your financial gift of any amount this Easter will support OM teams around the world who continue to share God’s love with those who have not yet heard and understood. 

Marin's story

Remote video URL
Expect the Unexpected - OM Easter 2024 (2.59)

Raul's story

Raul did not expect to change his plans for the weekend, until a small blue book pushed through his letterbox changed his mind. The title read: Agua Viva (Living Water) — a Gospel of John. With trembling fingers, he opened the little book, and what he read made Raul cancel his plans — plans to kill himself. 

Alice's story

Leading a children’s prayer meeting, Lorin did not expect to be challenged by Alice - a woman possessed by demons – or the response from the children in the room. She's started to manifest, like she wasn't herself, and I knew she had demons,” Lorrin remembered. “She fell from the seat where she was, and she started to roll.”

David and Jonna's story

When David* and Jonna* left the Middle East after 15 years of ministry, they knew they wanted to return. Many years later, back in the country, they expect God to use them for His glory in a city where there are no known Jesus followers. 

Ahsan's story

Ahsan, a new believer from a Muslim background, shared with one of our workers than he had difficulty believing in the power of prayer, he never expected that he would see his own prayers answered within a few days.

Darius' story

Crisis after crisis dominated headlines from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area in 2023

“It's been encouraging to see how Christians and Muslims volunteered to work together and tirelessly for very long days,” shares Darius. 



Your gift will support OM teams around the world as they share the good news of the love of Jesus with those who have not yet heard and understood.


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*Gifts received through the giving links on this site are received in British Pounds via the OM International office, and no tax or gift-aid receipt can be issued.

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