Bar, Montenegro :: Teenager enjoy events on board.

Truth Seekers

Bar, Montenegro :: Teenagers attend an event reminding them of their God-given identity.

Laughter, shouting, games, competition. To an onlooker, Truth Seekers may seem just like any other, ordinary event for teenagers, but for those who attended there was a difference: an impression that was left; a life-changing experience. The teenagers enjoyed classic event games and learning cultural dances from Logos Hope crewmembers, however they were more impacted by the message and testimony about turning their lives away from the distractions of the world and focusing on Jesus.

Each element of the event invited attendees to choose to be a part of God’s love story for their lives. For Isabelle, a teenager who recently moved to Bar, Montenegro with her family, the experience of getting to know others her age was important. “It was great meeting with others my age and getting to know different people from other countries.” She went on to say, “The message was really encouraging and helped me to notice things, like how social media and always comparing yourself to others can become so exhausting.” Isabelle’s sisters, Evelyn and Emily, were most impacted by the drama that was performed. Evelyn said, “One of the biggest highlights was the skit enacted by the drama team. For me, it really emphasised how much God loves us, how He’s always there for us, calling us and pulling us back to Him when we turn away from Him.” Emily echoed this saying, “The play was really cool, about how we turn away from God and turn to sin, but He still calls us back to Him and loves us.”

Noah Cassie (Canada), a crewmember involved in the event, said, “The teens had the opportunity to see the world around them differently and were shown or reminded that the Lord is their guide and shepherd.” A wonderful reminder that no matter who we are, our background or how far we have wandered from the plan God has for our lives, He has chosen each of us and loves us fiercely.

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