Truth Travellers TURKEY Spring Outreach-2025

21. Apr. 2025 -
30. Apr. 2025
EUR 965.00

Art des Einsatzes





28. Febr.




Come take the life changing message of Salvation to the least reached country of Turkey. Together with experienced long term workers, use your gifts and testimonies to touch the hearts of those God already has prepared for you to encounter. This is an outreach you won't want to miss. Encourage and promote local churches and small church plants through evangelism and distribution alongside local partners.

Our local staff are aware and constantly reviewing the security situation. They choose places to go to wisely. The government places high priority on the safety of tourists. They have enhanced security measures and continue to take measures to ensure that no harm comes to anyone visiting their country.  Melde dich hier an:

Das erwartet dich

21 April: Arrive in Izmir, Turkey (No later than 15:00)

22 April - Orientation in Izmir

23 April - 28 April - Outreach in Izmir and surrounding provinces.

29 April - Debrief

30 April- Departure from Izmir


Age Range: 20-70

We are happy to welcome you if you are flexible, can adjust easily to new situations and if you are open to being lead by the Holy Spirit, willing to share the Gospel and God's love people you meet.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

We will stay in simple hotels, hostels & guest houses.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

All meals are included, and Turkish food is famous! If you have any specific dietary needs, please let us know in advance.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

You need to book and pay for your own travel to and from Izmir. Please plan to arrive on a flight that gets into Izmir no later than 3 pm on April 21 and leaves after 10 am on April 30.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

Participants should be in good health, ready to walk about the city. It will be hot. Any special needs (allergies, medical conditions...) must be communicated as early as possible so that organizers can prepare well. Each participant should arrange personal medical insurance to cover the period of the outreach.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

Please get an e-visa at

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Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388