Tamar Center - Pattaya

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We are looking for volunteers to come and work with our team to reach out to bargirls trapped in the sex industry in Pattaya, Thailand. Your job will be to teach the bargirls some English, go on outreach to the bars and build relationships with them. Teach English and engage with women in the sex industry in Pattaya, Thailand

No money needs to be paid to Tamar Center, but you need to provide for your own costs, including accommodation, food and travel expenses. Outreach expenses are covered by Tamar Center for you. A sample budget will be sent to you during the application process.

Open for (female) groups to come and serve for 1-2 weeks.
Couples and families are welcome, but we do not have many jobs for males. As our ministry focuses on the women in the sex industry, we have mostly jobs for female workers. Für den Einsatz fällt einmalig eine Servicegebühr von 40€ an.

Das erwartet dich

You will be part of the Tamar Volunteer Team reaching out to women in the bars. Relationship building is very important and you need to be willing to engage with the women. We have all materials for teaching English ready for you to use and will teach you how to do outreach to the bars. You will also work with the women that have left the sex industry already and are doing vocational job training at our center. We provide regular prayer meetings and devotions especially for the volunteers – www.tamarcenter.org


Age Range: 18-99

We are looking for female volunteers that come for at least 2-3 months to be with us. You should be at least 18 years old and should have a heart for working with women in prostitution. As you can imagine, working with women coming out of the sex industry is not always easy and so you should be able to handle the situation, be mature and ready to serve the women.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

In Pattaya there are many forms of accommodation that serve different budgets. A sample list of accommodation will be provided.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

You will need to provide or cook your own food. Thai street food is world famous, cheap and available everywhere. International food is also available but more expensive. Sample budgets will be provided.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

Please book your flights to Bangkok Airport – BKK. From there it is about 1.5 hour travel time by bus or taxi. Companies will be provided.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

Good general health condition. There are no big dangers - the biggest one is probably dengue fever. Pattaya has a number of high quality hospitals.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

90 day Tourist Visa to start with

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01691 773388