Serving in anti-human trafficking through Missions

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The participant will receive training regarding human trafficking and explore what working within after-care and support work with women, their children and men looks like in the Finnish context.

Rose Project is part of a Finnish social work organisation, Samaria. Samaria helps people in the community through work place training, rehabilitation, and housing services. Samaria runs a cafe, a second hand shop and offers a variety of opportunities to engage in meaningful work. Rose Project functions within this wider community space of Samaria.

The participant will also be part of the OM team in Finland and involved in its church visits, events etc. The participant will have the opportunity to visit and attend local churches.

The participant will receive mentorship throughout the stay from Justicelink representatives and have the possibility to explore future steps connected to anti-trafficking and missions. The purpose of this short-term outreach is to grow in awareness regarding anti-trafficking work and missions, through serving within after-care of survivors of human trafficking and contribute to the organisation's overall vision and needs.

The program allows for gaining experience in working within anti-trafficking and serves as an excellent opportunity to explore one's role within anti-trafficking and missions work long-term.

Language: It is a must that you understand and speak English.

Other languages used commonly: Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Dari, Chinese, Russian etc.

A driver's license is a plus but not mandatory.

STM Cost includes: accommodation and travel within ministry with Samaria and OM.

STM Cost does NOT include: groceries, cell phone and internet or communting. One should budget min. 270€/month for these costs.

Dates: We need volunteers all the time, we are flexible in finding an appropriate timing and length of stay.

Das erwartet dich

Rose project offers a supported housing program for survivors of human trafficking and their children. Residents live independently, receive support for coping in everyday life, and have the opportunity to participate in joint activities and programs organised by the team and wider community.

Our vision is for people who have been victims of human trafficking to become empowered to fully participate in society as they recover in a safe and loving environment. A holistic approach to empowerment and towards autonomy includes supporting the residents in activities related to daily living and official appointments as well as matters related to the mind, body, and spirit. A survivor-centered and trauma-informed perspective is important to the work of the ministry.


Age Range: 23-99

Mature Christian woman, or a couple, that is willing to learn by coming alongside a team for a minimum of app. 3 months (90 days) period. The participant does not have to have previous experience from anti-human trafficking work but have a heart for serving individuals from vulnerable backgrounds. Cultural sensitivity, proactiveness, self-reflection, and honesty with self and the team along with good communications skills are essential to the work.

Depending on the participant’s skills and interests, it will be possible to plan and be involved in the daily life of the residents and the program through supporting everyday tasks such as shopping, spending time with the residents, the running or organisation of creative workshops, organizing excursions etc. Involvement and the development of other ministry related events is welcomed, such as worship and prayer evenings, or awareness raising events.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

Accommodation is offered in one of the apartments in the center of the city, in the apartment complex owned by Samaria. Other forms of accommodation may be available and suggested, depending on time of year.

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

Lunch is included free of charge Mon-Fri at the Samaria community center cafe.

Participants are responsible for one's grocery shopping and meal preparations outside of the lunch times. One should budget min. 200€/month for groceries.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

Pick-up from Helsinki International Airport (airport code: HEL) is provided for.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

Due to the nature of the ministry, mental health and personal history with trauma are to be taken into account and discussed prior to and with the unit staff.

Participants are responsible for getting an all-inclusive travel insurance for the full length of stay.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

It is possible to stay with a tourist visa in Finland for up to 90 days.

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Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388