Love Africa Conference - 2024

1. Aug. 2024 -
5. Aug. 2024
EUR 100.00

Art des Einsatzes





1. Juli




An annual event to celebrate with a 100 others from near and far, hearing stories of how vibrant communities of Jesus followers are increasing among the least reached people groups in Africa. Networking, Mobilizing the church for world missions and Equipping Missionaries.

Please register for Love Africa on the following links - Non Zambians - For Zambians

Additional note on accommodation is that your daily pay will include Love Africa registration, accommodation and meals at the conference.

For Lodge and Hotel accommodations, the payment will include registration for Love Africa, accommodation, transportation to & from OM centre and meals at the conference. Melde dich hier an:

Die Unterkunft und der Airport Transfer sind nicht im Preis inbegriffen.

Das erwartet dich

Missions Conference


Age Range: 18-90

Stakeholders, Church partners, Mission organizations and Individuals who are passionate about missions.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Will there be accommodation provided?

Additional accommodation cost options added to the conference fee. These payments are for each person per day of the conference.

Camping - $7

OM Centre Dormitories - $10

Guest house - $20

Lodge - $60

Hotel - $100

Ist Verpflegung eingeschlossen?

All meals will be provided.

Muss ich meine An- und Abreise selbst planen?

Airport & Bus station pick ups and drop offs are available upon prior booking.

Wie sollte mein Gesundheitszustand sein?

Please specify any dietary requirements, allergies and any other needs in your registration.

Brauche ich ein Visum?

Check with your consular or embassy in your country for this trip to Zambia.

Kontaktiere uns

Frage stellen

Ich möchte ...
This field is being prepopulated by your country selection above.
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Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten von OM International Services (Carlisle) Ltd. erfasst, verarbeitet und gespeichert werden. Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in unserer Hinweisen zum Datenschutz

Dein zuständiges OM-Büro

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388