
1. Jan. 2025 -
1. Jan. 2026

Art der Zusammenarbeit

mit Training


6-12 Monate



Zusammen mit dir sind wir Weltenveränderer

The new 9-month discipleship programme for Europeans to reach the Broken Heart of Europe Brussels. Operation Mobilisation is looking for creative 18s-35s to take part in Heartbeat, September 2024 to June 2025, Brussels. Inspired by the ‘year programmes' of OM's classic era, Heartbeat is aimed at gap year students, recent graduates, and anyone willing to take a year out to deepen their relationship with God, serve others, and help reach Europe's broken heart.

Dein Profil, um Welten zu verändern

What does the programme involve?

  • Team life Serve each other and follow Jesus together
  • Heart prayer With OM International's Prayer Hub, putting prayer at the centre
  • Heart language Learning a new language interactively and learning how to learn any language by loving people.
  • Bible Discovery

Unlock the Bible in new, interactive ways based on the escape room concept. The Bible Discovery programme is suitable for people at all educational levels with more challenging assignments for Bible school and Theology graduates and more introductory approaches for new believers. The three major modules are: The Cave of Discovery | New Testament discovery The Laboratory of ideas | culture and thought Foundations of truth | deep theology

  • The Beat

Developing creative skills Using creative thinking to reach the least-reached

  • Heartbeat project Involvement with a project to grow a vibrant community of Jesus followers

What does it cost?

Belgium: €1000 per month, including food, accommodation and the costs of the programme itself. Plus travel to Belgium, insurance and home field costs (eg, ongoing contributions to social security).

Where will the team live?

At OM's ZavCentre base and at the Haven, both near Brussels Airport.

What kind of people can take part?

Creative people! The programme is aimed at 18s-35s who are interested in thinking creatively about how to reach people who don't know Jesus. Creative skills are welcome, but we're most interested in a team who will come up with new ideas together and put them into practice.

What languages will the programme be in?

The team language will at first be English, but as language skills develop through Heart language, we will move to Flemish (Dutch) and/or French.

I already speak Dutch/French. Will I still be part of the language learning programme?

Yes! Our programme enables you to learn any language through ordinary social interactions. If you already speak Dutch and French, we have many other language opportunities in one of the world's most multilingual cities. Along with learning language we will also be discovering culture and developing emotional intelligence.

What do I need to join?

You need to:

  1. Have a personal relationship with Jesus
  2. Have a home church willing to send you
  3. Have a European passport or visa to live in the Schengen area a. We are not able to obtain visas.

What's the process?

Fill out a simple application form, have an interview with us, get a reference from a pastor or leader in your church, and confirm your attendance.

For more information and application form heartbeat.be@om.org

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Your local office

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries: www.uk.om.org/contact-us
Short-term mission opportunities: shortterm.uk@om.org


01691 773388

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