Church Planter/Disciple Maker Mentorship Program

Jederzeit möglich

Partnership Type

mit Training

Commitment Length

2 years


North Africa North Africa

Zusammen mit dir sind wir Weltenveränderer

We are a community of Jesus followers living in Central North Africa with a passion and mission to share the love of Christ with the least reached of this region. We focus on prayerfully building relationships leading to disciple-making with the goal of establishing VCJFs.  We use businesses, language teaching, arts and music and tourism to grow links with the local communities. Media and follow-up ministries help us to develop new relationships with those who are seeking.

Required Skills

Our teams are working with the least reached of the North Africa with the goal of seeing VCJFs established.  Those with no prior experience in the region will begin with two years of training.

Living and working as an effective long-term worker in the North Africa starts with an intensive period of learning both culture and language.  Learning a dialect of Arabic is best done outside the formal classroom setting as a dialect is not officially a written language.

Our training is geared towards mentoring and helping you learn how to learn from practical experience and deep contact with the local culture.  Living together in teams, thriving in cross-cultural ministry and basic principles of church planting are also part of the training our participants will undergo.  It is our hearts desire to see a new generation of disciples who can disciple others. 

We are looking for trainees who are well grounded in their Christian faith and have already undergone basic discipleship training either in their home church, at a Bible school or other discipleship training program.  Our participants must also be self-motivated, teachable, able to meet and make new friends easily and committed to working in teams.

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Your local office

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388

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