Church Planter

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Zusammen mit dir sind wir Weltenveränderer

OM in Belgium is looking for believers who want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least-reached, and are prepared to invest their lives to make it happen. With a year or more commitment, you will learn the local language naturally, through contact with native speakers, and help to establish a new fellowship where there was none previously.

Dein Profil, um Welten zu verändern

You want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. You're ready, able and willing to go to a new area and work with a like-minded team to start a new fellowship. When it's up, running, and self-sufficient, you're ready to leave it behind and go on to the next area.  You're not trying to prove a point, you're not trying to invent a new kind of church, and you aren't trying to start a new denomination: you just want to see healthy, growing, multiplying churches in areas where there were none before.

It takes a special kind of person to start something up, and then to leave it when it can look after itself. If that's you, then OM in Belgium is looking for people just like you to help stimulate a church planting movement in Belgium. Not only will you be involved in establishing a new church, you will also be modelling and encouraging indigenous church planting among Belgian believers.

This is a ministry of hard work, heartache, frustrations and difficulties, but it is also a ministry of enormous rewards, fulfilment, delight and long-term fruit.

Everyone who is new to OM and has not been part of a similar programme in another organisation will spend their first year as part of Heartbeat, which will include working in their chosen ministry. This includes Bible training, language learning, and introduction to missions life and many opportunities to develop new skills and talents.

Visa: EU-citizen due to visa requirements Health: Reasonable adjustments can be made for disabilities Willingness to raise personal support

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Your local office

Operation Mobilisation, The Quinta, Weston Rhyn, OSWESTRY, SY10 7LT, Shropshire, GB

Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales).

General enquiries:
Short-term mission opportunities:

01691 773388

* Die Stellen, die auf dieser Website aufgeführt sind, werden über Spenden finanziert. Das bedeutet, dass die Person, die sich bewirbt, bereit ist zum Aufbau eines Freundeskreises zur Finanzierung der Lohnkosten für ihren Lebensunterhalt  Wie viel Geld sie aufbringen müssen, hängt unter anderem davon ab, woher sie kommen, ob sie eine Familie haben und in welchem Land sie arbeiten werden. Es gibt vielleicht einige Stellen, die ein Gehalt zahlen, aber diese sind selten und müssen mit den jeweiligen Heimatbüros und den Teams, mit denen du arbeiten möchtest, ausgehandelt werden. Wenn du Fragen dazu hast, wende dich bitte an dein OM-Heimatbüro vor Ort. Denke immer daran, dass unser Dienst von den großzügigen Spenden unserer Partner in aller Welt und von Gottes ständiger Versorgung abhängt. Ein Einstieg zu OM ist immer ein Schritt des Glaubens und des Vertrauens in einen Gott, der für unsere Bedürfnisse durch seine auserwählten Menschen sorgen wird.