Motivating, resourcing and sending.
For more than 45 years, OM has been sending Danes into the nations.
An integral part of the DNA of OM Denmark has been the ships-ministry. In 1970, the ship Umanaq was bought in Denmark and transformed into the ‘Logos’. In 2004, the ship ‘Norrøna’, was bought in Denmark and later transformed into the ship the ‘Logos Hope’.
Today, our three main purposes are
- To mobilise the Danish church for missions
- To send out Danes into missions among the least reached around the world
- To establish VCJFs among the least reached in our nation and receive and train OMers sent to Denmark.
Our focuses of recruiting and resourcing are the following:
OM ships ministry- This is the field where we see the majority of Danes join for 1-2 years for missions-exposure.
TeenStreet events- We have seen a consistent numbers of Danes joining for TeenStreet events, every summer, the past 20 years.
Ministry among muslims- Second to the ships, the Muslim world is the most consistent place for Danes to join for a gap year or two.
Longterm Missionaries- OM Denmark seeks to partner with churches in sending out Danes long term for missions.
Receiving OMers to Denmark- OM Denmark is also a receiving field, in which we are inviting both short term and long term volunteers to come and serve in our VCJF ministries across Denmark.
How you can get involved:
- Pray for the strengthening, unity and growth of the evangelical Lutheran churches and freechurches in a culture that is very secular, liberal and sceptic.
- Pray that God will raise a new generation of Danish Christians involved globally in missions.
- Pray for OM's growth in Denmark, that we might speak with a relevant, challenging and mobilising voice to Christian believers and fellowships.
- GIVE - Give here (http://www.om.org/en/give) to help support the work of OM in Denmark.
More information about Denmark:
- Population: 5.9 million
- Official language: Danish
- State of economy: Strong economy founded on a large service sector, environmental innovation, agriculture, shipping and medicinal companies.
- Religious make-up: 85 per cent are members of the Lutheran protestant state-church, 5% Muslims.
- State of the church: Despite the high level of church members, only about 2-3 per cent go to church on Sundays. In reality, Denmark is one of the most secular countries in the world, where Evangelical Christians make up just 3.5 per cent of the population. Denmark has had, as many other European countries, a lot of immigration in the recent decades, and immigrants make up over 10 per cent of the population. Denmark is thereby both a multicultural and multireligious nation, with over 300,000 Muslims, and over 50,000 adherants of Buddhism, Hinduism and other faiths.