rural area in Caucasus 
picture by Lennard Prediger

Sharing Jesus in the mountains

Davud and Omer travelled to the Northern Caucasus, where God led them to two families who were willing to hear about Jesus.

Davud,* an OM worker, travelled to the Northern Caucasus with his friend Omer.* Davud and Omer are from a nearby country in central Asia and travelled through the mountainous — and mostly unreached — Northern Caucasus to share the hope of Jesus with those who had never heard it.

In one village, they met someone who had a very sick relative in the nearby hospital. The person called Nuray,* their relative, and asked her if Davud and Omer could come and pray for her. She agreed, so the pair went to the hospital.

They shared the gospel and asked the woman: “Could we anoint you and pray for you?” Again, Nuray agreed. So, they anointed her and prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ. Then Davud and Omer left.

After a couple of hours, they received a message. The doctor had just checked Nuray, and he said that she was completely healed. Nuray said: “I am amazed. These guys did a great job. Let them come again and tell me more about their God.” So they did.

The next time Davud and Omer visited Nuray’s village, they brought their families with them and stayed one night with Nuray’s family and deepened their friendship. It is their prayer that this entire family follows Jesus.

Guided by prayer

During their travels, Davud and Omer prayed for different unreached people groups in the Northern Caucasus. When they visited a remote village far away in the mountains where one of these groups lived, they did not know anyone there, but prayed for God to connect them to a person of peace.

When they arrived, they met a group of men on the road. It was a narrow road, and the men were clearing debris that had blocked it. Davud and Omer asked if they could help. The men agreed, and afterward, they introduced themselves.

One of the men was Muhammed,* whom Davud and Omer invited to drink tea with them. In their culture, friendships are formed by sitting together, sharing a meal and drinking tea; that is the time for deep conversations.  

Muhammed came that evening with a few fish he had caught in the river. The three men ate the fish, and Davud shared some stories from the Bible. Muhammed was interested, so Davud shared more.

This was the start of a deep friendship. Even though they lived far apart, Davud and Omer managed to visit Muhammed’s village several times and disciple him. When Muhammed had problems, they cried with him. When he had reason to celebrate, they laughed with him. One day, Muhammed confided that they were two of his best friends.

Muhammed and his family have since become followers of Jesus — reading the Bible together and growing in their faith. The Northern Caucasus are a very difficult and dangerous place to share the gospel. In spite of that risk, Muhammed is sharing his faith with others. Recently he shared the good news of Christ with his brother.  

Join us in prayer for more open doors to share the gospel and make disciples in this area. Pray for Nuray and her entire family to follow Jesus. Pray that the gospel spreads through Muhammed’s extended family and that the light from his family brightens the entire region. And pray for Davud and Omer as they continue to make trips through the region to visit some of the area’s least-reached people groups.

* name changed

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