Jesus followers gather together in Southeast Asia to study God's word, pray and learn about discipling others to follow Jesus.

In one of the remaining communist states on earth and the poorest country in South-East Asia, 61 per cent of the population follow Buddha. Yet there is church growth, led by nationals, despite government restrictions and persecution.

The country's 126 different people groups, growing middle class and rising youth culture all seek a brighter future.

The OM team has developed a national discipleship programme to equip the youth in essential life skills for healthy relationships with themselves and others, in line with Jesus’ role model of working, living and sharing life intentionally in small groups. TeenStreet hopes to establish a national network of young disciples, eager to grow in mature faith and servanthood through local weekly Bible study and encouragement.

It starts with one

Lena* is a young local woman from a poor village whose parents believed in Jesus. She knew about God, but expected to study, earn money and have a “good life” — much like any other young national in her country.

“After high school, I came to the city to study, and stayed with my cousin,” she explained. “She was involved with the [OM] team and introduced me. I didn’t have a job, so the team asked me if I would like to be their office housekeeper.”

Before long, Lena was joining in the Monday meetings, where she and the team praised God, and talked more about Him. “After leaving my own family, it was like being with family again,” she said with a smile. “I began to understand a little bit more [about Jesus] and wanted to share what I was learning with another young girl from the village who was living with us.”

Others came to the city, and joined the growing community of young people, eager to learn more about God and His love for His people. More accommodation was needed to house everyone and be trained by the team: two houses for the girls and one for the young men. They learnt useful life skills, such as managing finances, but also their own value as people made in the image of God.

“Our culture teaches us that we only have value in our study or how much money we have. But when I read the Bible, I saw that Jesus came to this earth and died for me. He bought me expensive[ly]. Jesus gives me value, heavenly value,” Lena shared. She knew she needed to be a good role model to others, showing integrity and honesty, even in her speech.

Team leaders suggested she might grow in faith by joining one of OM's ships to work and be a good role model there. It was hard to leave the young people: “I cried a lot,” Lena said. “But I recognised I needed to serve God wherever He called me. I was the only one from my country on board; it was a big responsibility.” Lena discovered how others came to be Jesus followers, and His way of leading by taking care of people around her. “I learnt a lot. I loved it, too. I miss the community there,” she said, thoughtfully.

When she returned home, God had changed her heart. She no longer wanted to “have a ‘good life’” but to follow Him wherever He asked: “I want to serve,” she said. “I learnt that leading is looking after people; that is more important than the work. Also, that people’s encounters with Jesus have changed their lives — so good to hear!”

The place of TeenStreet 2025

“Since I came back from the ship, I became part of the [OM] team. We have our own small discipleship group for study and encourage each other to share biblical truths with other young people. We want to encourage them to have a heart to serve God,” she continued. “Also to see that they too can be sent out to other places to reach those who have not yet heard about Jesus. The young people tend to look up to me as someone who went abroad — but I tell them I am just like them, from the village, and they can go, too! I want the young people in my village to know the Bible like I do now.”  

“Young people don’t just want to study, they have energy to go and they want to do something, [to be] challenged,” Lena shared. “Every time when I invite them to go on a trip with me, everyone is happy to go and then see and learn different things. But they need to get training and join an organisation or be part of some ministry — and that intentional discipleship is not on offer for the youth in the churches. There are a lot of teenagers, but no one to lead them [in growing their faith].” TeenStreet, offered through church discipleship groups, aims to do just that.

Ana, changed through faith

Ana* was one young woman Lena discipled over the course of a year, having met at the team café. Ana thought she knew Jesus, but there were lots of things she didn’t understand. She found it easy to get very angry quickly, and would shout, and strike out. “We had to help her with that a lot and explain to her how to live with people. As a child of God, you have to be gentle,” Lena smiled. As Ana discovered Jesus through the Bible, and learnt to pray to Him, she changed. “When she went back to her home village, people told her that she changed a lot,” reported Lena. “Like how to speak to people very nice[ly]. And show respect to others. That’s how I see our team working well with the teenagers in discipleship. Not only taking care of them spiritually but helping them relate to others too.” Ana was baptised in 2021.

Many young people believe that faith in Jesus is a ‘foreign religion’; however, at University some are open to hear more. Studying alongside other students can open up conversations but has to be offered carefully. Lena befriended a fellow student, helping and supporting her in different ways. “Why do you help me?” asked the girl. “Why are you so nice to me?” As Lena shared how her faith in Jesus gave her the desire to bless her, her friend listened thoughtfully. “God will work [in her] with that,” said Lena. She knows He longs to give spiritual orphans His Fatherhood.

By networking nationally to introduce TeenStreet across churches with follow-up training, the younger generation may discover Jesus for themselves, put down deep spiritual roots and continue to follow Him for the rest of their lives, impacting the nation eternally. 

*name changed

Pray for many more young people to come to faith, mature and share with others both at home and abroad through discipleship and church encouragement to serve.

Pray for national Jesus followers to be brave and courageous as they reach out to others who have yet to hear of God’s love for His Creation; and for the climate to permit faith in the One who saves.

Pray for the TeenStreet initiative to have lasting impact on the nation’s future decision-makers and spiritual leaders.

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