Students get to know one another and pray for each other in South Asia. Photo by RJ Rempel.

Everything is possible in Jesus

In South East Asia, many Hindu families follow not only their own teachings but also embrace other practices such as animism or consulting witch doctors for remedies. However, after finding these options ineffective, two teenagers discovered true healing when they turned to Jesus.

Ria* and Sanju* were both introduced to Jesus during dark periods of their lives. Through the words of Jesus followers, they found peace and healing, and want to share what they have discovered with others.

Living water

When Ria was haunted by visions of the dead at night, her family decided to seek help from a witch doctor. On the way to meet him, Ria became thirsty and stopped at a house to ask for a drink of water. Maya*, a Jesus follower who answered the door, gave Ria a cup of water and shared with her about Jesus, the One who gives living water.

Ria continued on her way, but the witch doctor’s cures were ineffective. The teen remembered her conversation with Maya and decided to ask Jesus for help. After she prayed, her haunting visions stopped. Ria was so encouraged by the healing in her life that she wanted to learn more about Jesus and serve Him.

Since then, Ria took part in OM’s Disciple Maker training, where she learnt more about the power of God and the way His Holy Spirit works and acts through people to change lives. As a result, she realised that God had used her sickness, Maya’s words and the OM team to help her know Jesus and grow in faith. She trusted that the Holy Spirit had given her new life, and that He can work through her to reach others.

Transformed by Jesus

Four years ago, Sanju was a model student that her strong Hindu family boasted about to others. But when she fell ill, her life quickly changed. Sanju could not read or sleep, and she spent hours crying each night. People described her as “the girl with the mental problem.” Many times, she went to the river to kill herself, yet each time something stopped her.

Her family tried everything to help her. They took her to witch doctors, hospitals in the city and even a hospital in a neighbouring country for four months of treatment, yet nothing helped. Finally, her family gave up on her.

But then Sanju met two Jesus followers. They listened to her story and told her the good news of Christ. “Everything is possible in Jesus,” they explained.

Sanju reasoned that even if her family killed her for becoming a Christian, it would still be better than being miserable all the time, so she accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Believers who knew her story prayed for her healing and, as a result, Sanju was fully healed from her sickness.

Now, Sanju is eager to learn more about her newfound faith. With her powerful voice and sharp mind, Sanju has boldly shared the testimony of what God had done in her life. Because her family is well known, thousands of people in her area have heard about her transformation. Sanju is keen to follow up with people to make sure they know it was through Jesus that she was transformed!

Pray for believers in South Asia, where the majority of the world’s Hindu population lives. Pray that they can be effective witnesses to their neighbours, as Maya was to Ria.

Pray for Ria and others who have completed the Disciple Maker training course. Pray that they will be able to put what they learnt into practice.

Pray for Sanju's testimony and the influence she has in her community. Pray that those who hear her story will want to know more about Jesus.

*name changed

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