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Four years ago, Anna expressed her desire for more Altai to know their Creator and worship Him. Today, there are signs of God at work answering this prayer.

Recently MediaWorks heard that since they helped publish the My First Bible storybook and app for the Altai in 2019, their partners in Siberia have released further digital resources.

Not only have their partners developed an interactive Bible app, videos, animations and audio stories with illustrations all on an Altai language webpage, but Altai believers were involved in the production. MediaWorks’ initial contribution of designing a Bible storybook and app played a part in the bigger picture of Bible translation and locals taking on responsibility.

Although Christian media in the minority language is still limited, the increase in resources and involvement of Altai believers is significant. At the time of printing My First Bible, only one other Bible storybook, aimed at older children and teenagers, was available. Back then, the New Testament was complete and the Old Testament in progress.

Linguists and local believers translated 10 Psalms, composing them as worship songs which a group of Altai Jesus followers performed in 12 concerts. “This was very well received by the Altai people,” translator Anna* shared.

Four years ago, Anna described how the indigenous tribe worshipped gods in nature. She wished for them to know God, the maker of heaven and earth, who alone is worthy of worship. Now there are psalms in Altai, praising God their Creator.

Praise God for more Christian media to help Altai know and worship their Creator. Please pray for the Old Testament translation and that whole families would encounter Jesus.

*name changed

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