Church Planting

We plan to take an active role in the CNEF’s (National Council of French Evangelicals) nation-wide project “1 for 10,000”, which aims to plant new churches in France, so that there will exist 1 church for every 10,000 inhabitants.

In order to reach this objective and taking into consideration the 2,000 existing churches, 4,200 additional ones will need to be planted,  (at present there is on average, 1 for every 30,000 inhabitants).

Recent evangelistic initiatives in France indicate that the surest method for achieving consistent growth, is probably the planting of new churches. The gospel is seen and understood through the presence of born-again believers functioning together as a body (in Christ).


Partnering with the church

This is one of OM France’s key values – we make every effort to ensure that every project we undertake is carried out in partnership with a local church.

When a French national joins OM, contact with his or her local church is considered essential.

We try to ensure that our short-term or long-term projects are always organised in conjunction with local churches, our goal being to support the local church, and to inspire in each congregation a fresh motivation to preach the Gospel.