About operation mobilisation

Get to know us




En 1957, George Verwer y dos amigos realizaron un viaje de misionero a México. Lo que comenzó con tres hombres que anhelaban profundamente compartir el amor de Dios con todos aquellos que en el mundo no lo conocían, se multiplicó en un movimiento global de creyentes con la misma pasión.

Hoy en día, más de 4900 personas de 118 nacionalidades sirven con OM en más de 120 países. Somos una mezcla de misioneros tradicionales, profesionales del mercado, artistas, pastores, educadores y más.

Dios nos ha usado para compartir el evangelio alrededor del mundo, y no nos detendremos ahora. Se estima que unos tres mil millones de personas todavía no conocen el amor de Dios; por eso, continuaremos movilizando a los seguidores de Jesús para ir a lugares donde no hay iglesias, o hay muy pocas. Como dijo GeorgeVerwer: "¡Vamos a seguir adelante hasta que cada criatura haya oído el evangelio…el mundo es nuestro objetivo!"


OM Overview

Our mission

OM is committed to seeing a community of Jesus followers within reach of every person in the world.

Live out love

39% of the world’s 7.7 billion people have never heard the gospel or experienced Christ’s love through the life of a believer—this number increases by around 60,000 each day.

We want to see God's love shared in places where:


Marked out cross

No one is sharing the life and teachings of Jesus

…like in Afghanistan, where the average person will hear the gospel once every 30.5 years.

marked out community

No local community of Jesus followers has formed

…like in Japan, where there are over 1,700 towns and villages without an evangelical church. 

marked out book

Culture, language and other barriers separate people from local Jesus followers

…like amongst the 1 million Syrian refugees in Europe. 

Man sitting and looking
“We are on a mission to bring the gospel to the farthest corners of the world, fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. There is no place too far, no task too difficult, and no human we won’t try to reach.”

Lawrence Tong
International Director

Key Focus Regions

Reaching out to all people

Today, more than 3 billion people in the world have never heard Jesus’ message of hope.

OM is currently focusing on five regions of the world where the majority of the population haven’t had the chance to hear the gospel or meet a follower of Jesus.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 28:19 (NIVUK)

More about us

Go even deeper

We want you to think of us as family.

group photo of people from different countries

Our Methods

A system of care

A posture of love and care is not only evident in our prayer, worship and interactions, but in our systems, processes and structures. We lead with love in our work and life, and with our finances and resources as well.

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Young woman with villagers in Malawi

Our Beliefs

A guiding foundation

God has chosen mankind as His ambassadors, to reflect His glory, goodness and love in the world. Following God’s call and mandate, we hold five ideas to be a foundation which, along with prayer, must shape and guide each of us as we serve, and as we inspire and prepare more Jesus followers for God’s mission.

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Literature is distributed from a van in 1960 Spain

Our History

A legacy of love

We trace our roots to the prayers of an American housewife. In the 1950s, Dorothea Clapp began to pray faithfully for the students in her local High School. She asked God to touch the world through the lives of those young people. And God answered her prayers!

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Portrait of three international leaders of OM

Our Leadership

An inspiring example

Successfully stewarding a multi-national organization with an extraordinary vision requires leaders committed to excellence, innovation and servant leadership. OM is blessed with a dedicated team of executives and board members who exhibit these qualities.

Meet the leaders