Llevar la esperanza a comunidades de todo el mundo
Equipamos a los ministerios locales de todo el mundo con contenidos impresos y digitales que les ayudan a compartir el evangelio y a fortalecer a los creyentes en sus comunidades.
MediaWorks apoya a los equipos de OM y a otras organizaciones cristianas con contenidos en idiomas que tienen muy pocos recursos cristianos o medios digitales disponibles.
Somos un equipo creativo al que le encanta hacer posible que los ministerios utilicen los medios de comunicación con eficacia, pero que carecen de tiempo, personas y habilidades para empezar. No pueden dirigirse a los grandes proveedores de medios porque la cantidad que necesitan es demasiado pequeña para ser rentable. Ahí es donde podemos ayudar.
Media Strategy
Start a Conversation
How can we use media to start a conversation and encourage a response? MediaWorks not only seeks to equip ministries with print and digital media, but also help them maximise its impact among those they seek to reach.
Media Creation
Strengthen Jesus followers
How can we create media for specific people groups to match their culture and resonate with their heart? MediaWorks supports ministries with creating resources that help to share the gospel and strengthen believers, especially among least reached people groups.
Media Distribution
Spread Hope Everywhere
How can we get life-changing messages into the hands of those we are connecting with? MediaWorks can support you with ideas of how best to share it and which channels to use.
Our Focus
We work with you to find out how media can best complement your ministry.
We open the door to a wide network of media experts and providers.
We help navigate copyrights and licensing so you can use what is already out there and share your original content.
We design media for specific people groups to match their culture and resonate with their heart.
We suggest ideas for getting life-changing messages into the hands of those you connect with.
We help you use media to start a conversation and encourage a response.
We provide ways for you to easily build on what others have done and let them benefit from what you create.