
India is the world’s second most populated nation with more than one billion inhabitants. OM’s work in India began in 1963. In 2012, OM India became GS/OMI, a separate, autonomous church-based movement led by Indian nationals.

OM’s work in India began in 1963 when the first long, overland truck arrived in the country. OM’s international workers came alongside Indian national Christians in partnership to present the Good News about Jesus in a loving way to those who did not yet know the living God.  Over the years, as the work in India developed, the national believers gained valuable experience and developed strong ministry skills. Gradually, the international workers handed over the work to the nationals. It was this significant event that was the strategic turning point for OM in India.  The humble work that began with only a few dedicated workers had grown to an indigenously run movement of thousands of Indian believers. In 2012, OM India became GS/OMI, a separate, autonomous church-based movement led by Indian nationals.

North India. Since 2021, OM International has partnered with Nicodemus Trust. Nicodemus Trust is the current and trusted ministry partner aligned with our vision with OM’s WACSA area ministries serving in North India. 

Our Stories

Christa Eicher
Am 5. Januar 2024 starb Christa Eicher. Die gebürtige Leipzigerin war vermutlich die erste Person, die durch die OM-Teams in Europa zum Glauben gekommen ist. 34 Jahre lang war sie bei OM, leitete mit ihrem Ehemann Ray Eicher OM in Indien und blieb auch nach seinem Tod im Land. Anlässlich ihres Todes veröffentlichen wir einen Artikel von 2018, den wir nach ihrem letzten Besuch in Mosbach geschrieben haben.
Jeevanam is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘giving life.’ In a rural town in India, just outside the city of Hydraband, it is also the name of a ministry that brings hope to people living with HIV or AIDS. Photo by Ellyn Schellenberg.
‚Jeevanam‘ ist ein Sanskrit-Wort, das ‚Leben schenken‘ bedeutet. In einer kleinen Stadt in Indien, außerhalb der Stadt Hydrabad, ist Jeevanam auch ein Missionsprojekt, das Menschen, die mit HIV und Aids leben, Hoffnung bringt.