
OM in Belgium is committed to praying for the Kingdom of God to come in Belgium. 


We do this during regular worship and prayer gatherings within OM as well as by joining other churches and prayer communities in Belgium to seek the Lord and pray. Our focus is the building up of His body and for new communities of Jesus followers to come into being throughout Belgium. 

OM in Belgium also hosts members of the Prayer Hub, which is an international team who serves OM globally by encouraging, facilitating, and resourcing a culture of prayer within the movement of OM. The team is made up of people who consider prayer to be primary to their ministry; people who want to practice a rhythm of prayer in and for their own location while maintaining a vision for mobilising prayer globally and upholding global needs in prayer. 

One of the rooms at OM in Belgium’s conference facility, the ZavCentre, is set aside to host that daily rhythm of prayer. Praying for OM leadership, OM ministries, and least reached peoples is one of the ways in which we contribute to and uphold our desire to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. Included in this rhythm is time set aside to simply worship and honour God and to grow in spiritual formation.