Gordon und Julie kennen Menschen, die vom anfänglichen Interesse am Evangelium bis zur Übergabe ihres Lebens an Gott auf einer „Reise“ waren. Manchmal braucht diese Reise viele Jahre bis zur Vollendung.
North Africa
Gordon and Julie have seen people journey from an initial interest in the gospel to dedicating their lives to God. Sometimes this journey takes many years to complete.
Vertrauen innerhalb des persönlichem Umfelds aufzubauen, ist für die wirkungsvolle Weitergabe der Liebe von Jesus grundlegend, erzählen Anna und Noah.
Building credibility within the community is essential to effectively sharing the love of Christ shares Anna and Noah.
In Gegenden, in denen Gemeinschaften von Jesus-Nachfolgern schwer zu finden sind, bauen Mitarbeiter wie Matt* unter ihren Freunden und Nachbarn Beziehungen von Herz zu Herz auf.
In areas where communities of Jesus followers are hard to find, workers like Matt are establishing heart-to-heart connections with their friends and neighbours.
When Patrick prayed for the Lord to lead him to one person whom he could further train and equip, Samuel was not the obvious choice.
For teens Grace and Sophia, sharing Christ's love with those who don't know Him is what they are used to.
Jacob and Rachel pray for the Lord to lead them to encounter people He is working in.
Oliveira has seen the spiritual situation in the Middle East change since he first arrived, but his purpose never has.