Portonovi, Montenegro :: In Montenegro beteiligt sich die Mannschaft an vielen verschiedenen Aktivitäten.
Die Familie McCourtney hat erlebt, wie Gott in ihrem Leben und dem Leben der anderen Menschen in Montenegro der wahre Gärtner ist.
Bar, Montenegro :: Teenagers attend an event reminding them of their God-given identity.
Bar, Montenegro :: Ein Programm für Teens erinnert sie daran, dass sie ihre Identität in Gott finden
Bar, Montenegro :: Die Logos Hope unterstützt Bašta Zeta, ein Gartenprojekt für Kinder, das Menschen zusammenbringt.
Bar, Montenegro :: Logos Hope partners with Bašta Zeta, an educational garden that brings a community together.
The McCourtney family has seen how God is the gardener in their lives and the lives of others in Montenegro.
Yan and Yuliia Batshev, Ukranian emigrants, reach out to both Serbian-speaking Montenegrins and the Russian-speaking Ukrainians living in Bar, Montenegro, through the OM church plant, Mozaik.
Mateo, from Uruguay, shares how having God as his heavenly father transformed him since he was a young teenager, and how mentors have played a very important role in shaping his life. Now serving with OM in Montenegro as a football coach and youth leader, Mateo seeks to reflect God's love into young lives like a dad.