United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK is densely populated and the population total has now reached over 60 million people.

David Livingstone, John Knox, William Booth, John Wesley and Mary Slessor - just some of the renowned missionaries and theologians that have hailed from across the UK. Once known as the home of missions, the United Kingdom is in desperate need of a spiritual revival itself and the future of Christianity in the UK might very well depend on the arrival of missionaries from the Global South.

That being said, the UK Church continues to provide a strong foundation for Global Mission, and OM United Kingdom continues to mobilise resources and several hundred workers every year.

Through partnership with individuals, churches and supporting organisations, we want to see thousands of vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least-reached. It is by working together with the Church that we see this vision being fulfilled.

OM Ministry in the UK

OM United Kingdom’s ministry centres in Birmingham and London are committed to ensuring the UK Church can be increasingly found working at the heart of diverse communities. 

Specialist catalytic ministries work amongst specific people groups. The Kids 'n' Things team present entertaining programmes with a clear Gospel message in schools and churches, reaching out to primary–age children. Other teams work with the least reached people groups that reside in the UK, such as Muslim, Chinese and Turkish Ministries.

Throughout the year, OM United Kingdom offers short-term mission experiences for individuals and groups, partnering with different churches across the UK for outreaches at Easter, Summer and over the New Year. 

Want to know more? Visit the OM United Kingdom website or email info.uk@om.org

How you can get involved

  • Pray
    • Pray that OM UK will work effectively alongside the UK Church as we reach out to our migrant neighbours with the Gospel. For some, it is their first opportunity to hear the Good News.
    • Pray that through OM’s Global Village, Brits to be mobilised into World Missions.
  • Give
    • Give here to support the ministry of OM United Kingdom.
  • Go

NB Due to current visa restrictions, OM UK can only accept applicants with a British or European (Schengen Area) passport.

More information about the UK

  • The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is an island in North West Europe.
  • Population – 64.6 million    
  • The UK is multi-cultural with migrants from all over the world. Thousands of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and people of other religions in major cities call UK ‘home’.
  • Religion amongst native British people has suffered an enormous general decline since the 1950s, as Brits increasingly want religion to be private, not public. Subsequently, between 1979 and 2005, research suggests that half of all British Christians no longer attend church on a Sunday. All indicators show a continued secularisation of British society in line with other European countries.
  • Islam is the largest growing religion in the UK owing to a high birth rate among Muslims. It has been estimated that from 2001 - 2011, about 100,000 people converted to Islam, however, 75% of these converts quickly became apostate.

Our Stories

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." – Matthew 28:19 (NIVUK)
Photo by RJ Rempel.
Church communities are growing in South Asia despite persecution. OMer and UK native Henry* visited South Asia and saw the joy and freedom in Christ of the believers there, and the multiplication that is taking place through house-church fellowships.
Teenagers sharing their faith on the streets of north London.
OM’s largest UK outreach: sixty teenagers, seven faith-filled days in north London, Turkish-style. Writer Nicky Andrews meets a new generation of evangelists…
Joyful laughter and grateful praise characterise Naomi Cheung — even when experiencing cancer herself. Inspired by her nursing background in Hong Kong and surviving breast cancer twice, Naomi leads the Chinese Association for Cancer Care (CACACA) partnered with OM.